Small Business & Entrepreneurship

Opportunity Zones: Assessing the Benefits of Empowerment for African Americans
It is critical to examine the potential challenges and benefits OZs may have in African American communities and what policy considerations should be assessed to ensure realized benefit for the […]

Banks & the Black Community: What Can Major Commercial and Retail Banking Institutions Do to Better Support Black Entrepreneurs and Businesses in the U.S.?
In light of the lagging progress surrounding black business ownership, the author(s) of this report were tasked with the responsibility of identifying the barriers that African Americans encounter at the […]

Black Health and Black Wealth: Understanding the Intricate Linkages between Income, Health, and Wealth for African Americans
There is a general understanding that health and income are related; and research on this relationship indicates that individuals with low levels of income have higher rates of chronic disease […]

The State of Black Entrepreneurship in America: Evaluating the Relationship Between Immigration and Minority Business Ownership
This report examines the critical factors deemed essential for entrepreneurial success. Specifically, this report looks at the human and financial capital disadvantages Black Americans and other minority groups face when […]

Crowdfunding, Cryptocurrency, and Capital: Alternative Sources of Business Capital for Black Entrepreneurs
This policy brief examines the traditional barriers that African American businesses encounter when seeking access to business capital, and how black entrepreneurs can use innovations in technology to overcome these […]

2018 EES VI – Detroit: A Tale of Two Cities – Issue Brief
The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc.’s (CBCF) Executive Economic Summit in Detroit, Michigan took place on May 7, 2018.

After Hurricane Harvey: Economic Lessons Learned and the Role of Business in National Disaster Relief Efforts
The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s fifth Executive Economic Summit (EES V) promoting minority access to capital takes place in Houston, Texas, on December 11, 2017. Entitled, “After Hurricane Harvey: Economic […]

Fact Sheet: Black Women Business Leaders Navigating Access to Capital
African American women business leaders are changing the face of the global economy, helping to sustain job creation and economic growth. However, despite being a driving force in boosting the […]

Policy Reform, Industry Accountability, and Strategies for Economic Security
This report examines African-Americans and the Consequences of Underfunded Pension Plans.

Minority Access to Capital and Employment Fact Sheet
Data, analysis, and recommendations for improving Minority access to capital and gainful employment, prepared by the CBCF Center for Policy and Research.