Economic Opportunity
From Slavery to Sovereignty: The Economic Importance of the Justice for Black Farmers Act
By Danielle Browne, John R. Lewis Social Justice Fellow
This capstone illuminates the rich history of Black ingenuity in American agriculture, emphasizing significant contributions made by enslaved Africans and their descendants.
Fields of Opportunity: Exploring the Intersection of Urban Farming and AI Solutions for Food Insecurities in Black Communities
By Leyana Casey, MPH, John R Lewis Social Justice Fellow
This capstone, serving as a comprehensive literature review, uses previous literature to navigate the landscape of food insecurity in Black communities and explore the potential benefits of urban farming and AI-driven solutions for these communities.
The Forgotten People: Honoring the Voices of Black Rural Americans
By Ja’Lia Taylor, Ph.D., John R. Lewis Social Justice Fellow
This capstone project examines Black Rural Americans’ historical significance and ongoing struggles, emphasizing their past and present challenges. Its goal is to elevate the priority of Black Rural Americans in societal and legislative considerations, ensuring that their voices are heard, and their experiences are acknowledged in shaping future policies.